Gender and Climate Finance Workshop, Bangladesh

WOCAN organized the online workshop in partnership with UNDP Bangladesh on 23-24 Feb 2021. The workshop was facilitated by Nisha Onta with support from Jeannette Gurung. The objective of the workshop was to provide an overview of gender and climate finance and introduce the participatory Gender Responsive CCBA tool developed by WOCAN. The 40 (29 Female, 11 men) participants represented UNDP’s INGO partners such as Action Aid, IUCN and local NGOs like BINDU and ICCAD.

On day one the focus was to provide content and introduce the Gender Responsive CCBA tool and on day two we had more in-depth exercise in break out groups on the tool. On day one Priodarshine Auvi, Programme Analyst of EmPower of the Bangladesh Country Office of UN Women presented the case for gender and climate change and led discussion among the participants to critically think about gender blind and responsive projects. Nisha presented the case for gender and climate finance and also introduced the Gender Responsive CCBA tool. On day two Nisha and Jeannette led two breakout sessions and had detailed discussion with the participants on the use of the tool.